Wednesday 19 August 2015

round the lake

While the others were swinging from trees I decided I'd ride around lake Windermere. I left the "treetops" site at Brockhole in a heavy rain shower and using the handy bike  path headed down to Bowness, suddenly the sun was out and i took off my lightweight waterproof. Within 2 miles it was drizzling again. This would be the pattern for the whole ride, infact on the short journey by ferry across the lake i genuinely experienced all weathers except snow! Once ashore (ferry trip well worth the £1 fee) i followed the shoreline trail to Wray castle. It was fairly easy terrain but the light grey gritty surface flicked up by my wheels meant i was soon covered in it. There were some stunning views despite the changeable weather and due to the conditions i had the ride to myself as everyone was staying at home. The ride took a lot shorter time than I was expecting and i was soon back at the car. I was plastered in the gritty stuff, my legs were grey and i even had grit in my hair. I had to very carefully change into dry clothes without getting any grit in my underwear! the last thing i wanted was to be walking round with stones in my pants.
ride 103
15 miles
total 1851
commute 417

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