Sunday, 28 September 2014

Avoiding Paula Radcliffe's gifts

Big Andy was competing in the Worcester Run/Bike/Run-10k/35k/2k so i intended to be at the transition to apply some light hearted heckling/support. However someone had decided to run the 10k over the pedestrian/cycle bridge over the river so I had to divert to the long route, which again was partly closed due to race and traffic diversions. By the time i got to the race course Andy was long gone and Paula Radcliffe was handing out prizes to those who had only managed the 10k. Ah well, I took the longer canal and sustrans route home. I was a bit disappointed that the one "interesting" section of towpath, the one with the deep holes, roots and off camber slopes had been repaired and is now a flat gravel yawn-fest. Fine for walkers i guess but a bit of a shame for those of us a bit more adventurous
Ride 138
25 miles
Total 2828
commute 686

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