Friday, 9 November 2012

the narrow bar ride

the narrow bar ride by rOcKeTdOgUk
the narrow bar ride, a photo by rOcKeTdOgUk on Flickr.

i recently changed the bars on my mountain bike to a pair 760mm wide which took a bit of getting used to. tonight, going for a ride with limited time i took the CX bike which has 440mm wide bars, wow how small do they feel after a weekend of riding the wide ones! i think it took about 5 miles for the weirdness to wear off. i also tried out some winter boots that i used to wear when i commuted about 8 years ago, sadly though they didn't seem any warmer than my normal shoes. still searching for the answer to cold feet
ride 162
10 miles
total 3019
commute 809

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