Sunday, 28 October 2012

the wildly wide and white ride

due to lack of anywhere to spanner a bike after dark at home, Matt kindly lets me use his facilities and in addition to Matt's engineering knowledge being on tap for advice i usually get tea made for me as a bonus as well! after my over extension rib injury i've decided to change a few things on the bike, the first was a stem 10mm shorter than the one i've used since i got the frame, down from 80mm and now i've gone from Carnegie's 695mm-ish wide swept back bars to 760mm wide El-Guapo risers. these two edition put me a litte more upright and also add the ability to get my body further behind the saddle for steep descents. the fact that the bar is a pimp white colour is an added bonus. going from the old bars (as seen on the bench in the picture) to the new feels very strange indeed, more from the lack of back sweep than the width so far, the true test will come in the next few rides though when i do some proper off road in narrower conditions, we will see.
Cheers to Matt for the use of his ManCave™
ride 155
5 miles
total 2940
commute 809

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