Sunday, 11 March 2012

the sunshine, yum yum, shotgun and PC Tuggs ride

the plan was to head over to Clent, little explored and used by us over here but it's not that far and the approach not too hilly, the sun shone and i was able to expose my arms, knees and legs. in parts it was very muddy and churned up by horses, in others it was almost dusty!. Clent was packed with walkers and some riders too so after a cuppa and scoffing the yum yums i took with me we decided to just do a few trails and head away to somewhere quieter, doing the downhill "behind the houses" trail Ian got a "WOW" from a girl admiring his bank with roots technique, everyone out was cheerful, even the guy in full army cammo gear with a shotgun spoke to us, probably deciding which two of the three of us was going to get a blast. at the end of a very tough muddy bridleway we passed a pub, Ben suggested a pint and we couldn't think of a good reason not to so 3 pints of the dubiously named PC Tuggs Bitter sat in the sunshine later we continued via more passable bridleways past the col du television to home, probably the perfect ride apart from the missing Matt
ride 36
26 miles
total 639
commute 160.5

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