Sunday 17 October 2010

biking cafe culture

biking cafe culture
Originally uploaded by rOcKeTdOgUk
first ride for a week, hopefully at the brighter end of a virus, still feel intermittantly bleuuurgh so just a pootle to a local cafe. excellent coffee, danish and glorious warm sunshine, bliss!
On the return, a random path which looked kind of interesting and one i've not noticed before piqued my interest, so gave it a try, whaddya know! another discovery, after three and a half years of riding here i've missed this lovely bit of path and singletrack along side the river, a great short cut and addition to some other routes i use, yes is may be a bit "cheeky" but there are few alternatives around here so going to use it
ride 109
8 miles
total 1404

1 comment:

kate said...

i love your socks. they are yours aren't they ;)