Thursday, 4 January 2018 December???

When you get a call asking if you want a free trip to Scotland to ride bikes you don't even think that the weather might not play ball. there are trails to ride and maybe experience in a way you've not done before.
Yes we broke down on the way, yes there was a lot more snow than was forecast, yes i didn't take my fat bike (i'd have been tempted if the NWAlps hadn't experienced all that snow last week) but boy it was a great few days!
I wasn't expecting to use the 50T cog on the eagle cassette but as we climbed janet's brae in ever thicker snow i didn't change out of it for about 45 mins!, paths down in the town were trecherous ice but the higher we got the more grip there was. the resistance of the thick snow got more and more though so by the time we stood looking at the view over the tweed valley i was both shattered and boiling hot.
we carried on higher up the final climb to Spooky wood. what an experience in the snow! the brakes weren't needed, just go slightly off line and slow down instantly! i came down the backside of a table top with the front wheel perpendicular to the trail, front wheel locked and survived with a huge grin on my face.
although there was plenty of snow the trails under the trees went fron 4" deep to ice to no snow back to 4" deep again in the space of a few yards so i had to keep my wits about me to stay upright. i was so glad about the 130mm of suspension front and rear as the ground was hard and i'd have been even more tired on a hardtail.
it was an exhilarating experience  and i'm so glad i took the opportunity to go and ride there. 
ride 90
15 miles
total 1893

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