Wednesday 5 April 2017


I'd spied this bridleway for about the last six months, it's off to the side of one of my cycle routes to work. i've seen the local hunt using it and a quick survey on google earth showed it was long and bordered on both sides by trees, it ran out on a quiet lane. so with a spell of decent weather occuring I asked the guys if they wanted to do a bit of exploring. we got to the bridleway entrance and were greeted with mud and a fallen tree. not a good start, i asked the guys if they wanted to try somewhere else but the consensus was that we'd carry on. well that was probably a mistake, within the path had become a stream, with small and large polished rocks embedded and loose in it, a few fallen trees hindered progress and then it got worse, thick gloopy mud bordered by thorny bushes. non of us escaped unscathed, all were bleeding from one limb or another by the end, the only bonus was the sun was still shining. i don't think we'll be back to this bridleway any time soon and Craig now needs another pair of white trainers!
ride 22
22 miles
total 465

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