Saturday, 21 May 2016


1st ride the new frame today, just local as the weather looked iffy. I immediately felt at home on it, in fact it felt like a comfy pair of slippers. things got less comfy a fw minutes later as i hit something big on the tank slapper trail and got a rear snake bite puncture, the second in 3 rides actually, the first was on my fatbike. It's amusing that i managed to ride the trails at bike park wales with exactly the same tire pressures without incident, and they are not exactly forgiving routes and yet a fairly innocuous downhill smashes the tube against the rim. so spare tube deployed and more trails to ride I thought I'd better get another just in case of another flat that would leave me with a long walk. However i clearly wasn't that bothered or threw caution to the wind as it was another 18 miles of riding before i popped into a bike shop to buy a tube!
ride 60
30 miles
total 1265

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