Friday 22 April 2016

well, that all went pear shaped rather quickly, lets fast forward a week!

I woke up the day after the last ride shivering and sweating profusely, full on fever and man-flu. I spent the entired day on the sofa feeling light crap. even my skin felt weird to the touch and hyper sensitive. I would be a full week before I felt well enough to swing a leg over a bicycle again.
With a hacking cough that i can't seem to shift (suspect it's in conjunction with my grass pollen allergy) I thought it best to not venture far today and by yhe end of the 6 miles i felt wasted and spent 15 minutes coughing. not fun but even though i felt bad it was no where near as bad as a week ago so I'll take that as a win!
ride 43
6 miles
total 931

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