Wednesday, 1 January 2014

New year, first ride

New year, first ride by rOcKeTdOgUk
New year, first ride, a photo by rOcKeTdOgUk on Flickr.
another year started. I hope the weather today doesn't set a president for the rest of it, horrendous heavy rain, high and gusting winds and lots of thick mud, it was flipping great!!!
the bikes were steering completely of their own volition it didn't matter if you were steering in one direction or the other the bike went where it wanted to. the fact that the cafe at Waseley was open was a hugh relief as the weather turned even worse by the time we reached it, we sat inside and steamed all the windows up very quickly. I had my first mince pie of 2014 (non in 2013!!) and reluctantly we went back out into the deluge and straight into a headwind. the only saving grace was that it wasn't cold. a bit of urban steps and skate park playing and we were back in the woods and dropping Andy and GTi off at their car before the final downhill along "keep right" and "poo alley" before home.
it could have been very grim, i was plastered in mud and jet washed myself and the bike when i got home, thank goodness for waterproof jackets and trousers! but i was great and the best ride of the year so far! ;-)
 Ride 1
13 miles
total 13

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