Tuesday, 5 November 2013

old trails, new rider

old trails, new rider by rOcKeTdOgUk
old trails, new rider, a photo by rOcKeTdOgUk on Flickr.
 The NWAlps/VeloCake movie that Dan and I made in the summer has had quite a few views and while I was away last weekend in Wales i got a message via YoutTube from a guy asking if he could come riding with us and today was the first opportunity to meet up.
Its always a bit weird to meet up with what is almost a complete stranger that you've only interacted with on the net (and I'm sure it was more odd for Andrew) but he seemed normal, or as normal as a person who gets up on a saturday morning to go and ride a pushbike through rain and mud can be!
We rode a Lickeys/Waseley/Lickeys route including cake of course and a little bit of urban. Andrew had no trouble keeping up with our sedate pace, we were probably a little slow for him. He did confess that his knowledge of technical descending was lacking, so of course we took him down the wettest, most slippery off camber descent with three drop offs (actually he didn't tell us until afterwards!) he did have an off but i think that may have had more to do with the low tread summer tyres he was using than any lack of technique.
He did say he enjoyed it and whether this was out of politeness or not I don't know!
ride 133
13 miles
total 2765
commute 1200

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