Sunday, 30 September 2012

the Hedge porn ride

Hedge porn by rOcKeTdOgUk
Hedge porn, a photo by rOcKeTdOgUk on Flickr.

when i was a lad you quite often, completely by accident came across jazz magazines deep in the woods or by the roadside, this was a time long before the internet and freely available pornography. top shelf publications were the only source that a teenage boy with raging hormones got to view naked women. it seemed to be a way to move on your collection, all of it innocent soft porn mostly and there were certain hot spots that could be checked as you were passing. so when Ben found this in the hedgerow i had to explain the concept as he'd not known about it! as spmeone pointed out 3 mags for £5, even the porn industry is in recession! we let the material where it was for the next person to find. we also visited some local jumps that we had been told about, but they were far too extreme for us, 10-15ft gaps and vertical faces about 6ft high, very BMX-able, i was hoping some locals would be there so we could see the jumps being used properly but the area remained deserted.
ride 142
20 miles
total 2732
commute 741
ride 142
20 miles
total 2732
commute 741

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