Sunday 8 April 2012

the 1st Annual NW Alps Good Friday ride

this had been planned for a while and even though a few of the invited riders couldn't make it at the last minute there was still 7 of us who met at the top of the hill for a tour of the local trails. The Puppy made it for his 2nd ride this year and Andy from work also came along and joined the locals. we first hit the Lickeys hoping the earlyish start would mean we avoided a lot of the walkers and for the most part this worked out, although i did get chased by a dog (but i didn't realize it until i saw this video) who let the dogs out? after this we headed over to the Waseleys to have some cake and bacon sarnies and then have a play around on the hill. after Andy fixed a puncture and the Puppy had tried out some drop offs we made our way back into woods closer to home and a few of the lads rode a tricky drop off (too much for me!) then up to the ridge and the big downhill before heading back to the start. everyone seemed to enjoy it and no one struggled, it's always hard to judge the route so as to cater for everyone as i don't want them to be either bored or too knackered to enjoy it so i hope it was ok!?
here's some footage of the ride taken from my seatpost

ride 50
15 miles
total 906
commute 261.5

1 comment:

Marsha said...

Interesting seeing the ride from the "seatpost" view. Thanks.