Sunday 27 March 2011

the rooty line ride

rooty line III by rOcKeTdOgUk
rooty line III, a photo by rOcKeTdOgUk on Flickr.
i was going to venture to the Wyre Forest today and put non mud tyres on yesterday to prepare for it.
Tip 1, put your front tyre on the right way round
Tip 2, when putting on tyres not used snce last October, check for thorns!
that sorted and puncture fixed i was ready, so this morning when to collect the find a puncture in the other tyre, bum! lots all desire to drive after fixing puncture so just did a local ride with flask, an apple and knowing i was not far from home in case of more "mechanicals"
great ride, a lot chillier than recently but somehow like proper spring
ride 29
19 miles
total 403
commute 293
total + commute 696

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