Wednesday 12 January 2011

the tacky ride

the tacky ride
Originally uploaded by rOcKeTdOgUk
with lots of rain forecast for the next 5 days and a gig to go to tomorrow tonight had to be the night for a ride. Matt came along and suffered a bit with the distance as he's not done too much riding lately but he stuck with it and came out tired but happy at the end. the route was quite hilly with most of the uphill coming at the end. it didn't help that he got a flat about a 1/3 into the ride, with a huge tack in the front tyre, but a bit of team work soon sorted it and we carried on, very cold night despite the cloud cover and i was glad to get home to warm my feet, enjoyable ride though
ride 5
14 miles
total 47

1 comment:

TrevorW�� said...

Yes - that's some tack to get in a tyre. been trying to dodge the rain too - very heavy today though.