Wednesday 11 August 2010

new helmet

new helmet
Originally uploaded by rOcKeTdOgUk
last mintue road jaunt tonight, weather looking iffy, so of course i got stuck in traffic on the way home and was late starting, felt better than i have since sunday and i was surprised to find i was in a much harder gear than i usually am (secretly pleased about that!), maybe the last ride on these wheels as i've ordered some new lighter hoops, also new helmet today , bought as i thought 5 years was a bit long in the tooth for my old one and it's had a few spills over that time. just on the last stretch home i stopped at the traffic lights and chatted to another cyclist and we agreed how dark it was (7.30pm) and that lights might be in order sooner than we'd both like
ride 83
16 miles
total 1080

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