Wednesday 30 June 2010

365-179 27/6/10

365-179 27/6/10
Originally uploaded by rOcKeTdOgUk
as it was so hot yesterday i decided i would get out early to beat the heat today, so started at 7, got to say it was glorious, trails empty of people but full of wildlife, startled a pheasant (a bit closer and Game would have been on the menu) and numerous rabbits. even early it was very hot, will be unbearable later (just not used to it) as there is not much breeze, i was thinking the trails could do with a bit of rain as on the rigid bike they are very bumpy and because it's relatively flat here you spend a lot of time in the saddle which is a little uncomfy on the lower back, i thought this then told myself to MTFU and enjoy it while it lasts!
ride 62
17 miles
total 756

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