Friday, 7 July 2017

if you go down to the woods today

you are likely to see three middle aged blokes with big grins and dirty shins.
it rained heavily yesterday but today was warm and humid so we didn't mind splashing through the deep puddles and getting wet bottoms! Some puddles were big enough to act as a brake though which was disconcerting when you aren't expecting it. We stuck to way marked trails for ease of navigation and because they are good. It was Russ's first time, i think ever at a trail centre and he coped well with the slightly bigger features than we get on home turf. both he and Howard remarked how hard it was to keep the bikes on the ground over the rollers. They both loved "launch pad" both laughing like kids at the end. which afterall is what it's all about.
Dean Forest Cycles supplied the sustinance in the shape of breakfast pasties, what an invention! Yes it's a long drive from home for a short ride but both guys said they thought it was worth it.
ride 47
14 miles
total 1032

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