Friday, 8 August 2014


It was about time I did a longish ride and although there was quite a head wind it was a fine dry day. First up was a 14% climb which certainly warmed me up. To be frank after that the middle part of the ride was gently undulating and I went via Warwick (castle one) to Kenilworth (castle two) trying to use quiet lanes where possible. is there anything better than a bike ride, zipping along on smooth tarmac on a car free English country road? not much i reckon. However to shatter this feeling of overwhelming bliss passing Kenilworth castle I got stung by a honey bee, not usually aggressive i noticed it sat on my lycra covered thigh and before i could brush it off felt a sharp pain as it's sting pushed in, Good job I'd remembered the anti-histamine before leaving. by mile 50 on the way home I was flagging, riding the entire 2nd half of the ride into the wind took it's toll and my legs were nearly empty by the time i reached home
Ride 111
62 miles
Total 2217
commute 523

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