Monday, 5 May 2014

King of the mountains ride

Having a friday off work was great, I planned a long ride, maybe a hundred miler, but when I got up I really didn't feel up for it. I mooched around the house, did a few chores, added a 2nd bottle cage to the bike, filled a second bottle. packed a couple of snacks, lazily got around to getting changed, still not at all motivated, especially by the weather. the last few days temperature in the high teens was now barely double figures with a strong breeze but I eventually left the house with a vague plan on the direction I would head in. I was glad of arm and knee warmers together with a gilet, it really was cold. Infact for the last 20 or so miles my toes were frozen!. I tried to keep a steady pace and managed around 14.9 mph average but it certainly wasn't any stellar performance and Just as i felt the first signs of "the bonk" I made it to the Feckenham Community Shop and indulged in their teacake special which did revive me. It wasn't until I got home and around to uploading the ride to Strava that it announced I had obtains a "KOM" of Cockshot lane. an unfortunate name I'm sure you'll agree. It was a surprise as I certainly wasn't trying, but maybe it was more to do with the fact I was only one of 3 riders to do it rather than my superior pedalling performance!
Ride 62
63 miles
Total 1174
commute 326.

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