Saturday, 28 December 2013

one good thing, one bad thing ride

riding with @charlotteTCR today off road, something she doesn't do often, conditions weren't great to inspire new comers but Charlotte isn't afraid of a bit of mud and there was promise of cake!
we did a circuit of the Lickeys and Charlotte rode it all, i coached her a little on a steep greasy drop in and after a bit of reluctance went for it, got safely to the bottom and declared "oh, that was a lot easier than i expected!" so that was the good thing, the bad thing is she shreaks and screams at the littlest thing and although it usually means she's having fun i find it very disconcerting as i think she's had a big accident! it's not good for my anxiety. but i certainly don't want her to suppress it as it shows she's enjoying it.
on the way back we popped into the local shop for bread and the owner was very impressed with Charlotte's mud splattered face and asked if she could take a picture to put in the window and advertise how diverse the local community is and what they get up to!
i passed 3000 non commuting miles on this ride
ride 145
12 miles
total 3001
commute 1404

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