Wednesday, 6 November 2013

the Urban quicky

Untitled by rOcKeTdOgUk
Untitled, a photo by rOcKeTdOgUk on Flickr.

Due to the faliure of Ben's lights to charge this ride had to be quick before it got too dark and near street lights so Ben could get home safely.
Sometimes the best trails are right on your doorstep and it's always good to take advantage of what the local kids have been building,not so good if you come across the "features" in the dark when you are not expecting it of course!
Ben never shies away from a jump but even he had to check a few times for this one and we made the decision to move the shopping trolleys as they were standing proud of the take off and landing. Once move and a few sighting runs later Ben cleared the double with ease even with a very short run up.
It was a shame the ride wasn't longer but technology failed us but with a bit of improvisation it was still good fun
ride 134
11 miles
total 2776
commute 1200

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