Saturday, 10 August 2013

good and bad in FoD

good and bad in FoD by rOcKeTdOgUk
good and bad in FoD, a photo by rOcKeTdOgUk on Flickr.

for the first time in ages Ben was free on a saturday, First thoughts were a trip to Wales but fuel costs and time constraints meant that we went to the Forest of Dean instead. Shorter in length but quicker to get to the Fod is fun packed in all weathers but especially today as it was bone dry. everything went really well, i was climbing efficiently and keeping up with the others on the was great fun on the final down hill and as i turned into the course where you choose red or blue for the descent....i was sitting ouside the visitor centre with the chap there saying he was calling the
apparently from what Ian and Ben said i went over the berm and slid out sideways hitting my head on the ground. Ian said the bike looked odd as i went in and now the rear swing arm moves sideways as well as up and down so something has broken, other wise on first glance there seems to be no other damage, but when i feel up to it i'll give it a good look over.
So the paramedic arrives, looks worried that i have a huge lump on my head, that my helmet is broken and i can't remember anything of the last 1/2 hour...or what month and day it is, oops! so off to Cheltenham hospital i go for a full check up, the nurses and Doctor were excellent, ecg, sense tests , limb manipulation and good clean and scrape of the grazes on my knee, elbow, shoulder and back before covering me with gauze. having parts of my chest shaved to stick on the ecg tabs was an experience! all in all i was there 2 ish hours before being discharged, excellent service.
i pulled a musce in my back too which to be honest is the most painful part followed closely by my broken bike!
thanks to Ian, Ben and all the NHS staff who looked after me its a ride i won't forget...if i could remember it
ride 102
15 miles
tota; 2104
august 129
commute 891

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