Sunday, 18 September 2011

Mug Shot

Mug Shot by rOcKeTdOgUk
Mug Shot, a photo by rOcKeTdOgUk on Flickr.
i've wanted to try this route for a while having done both halves of it seperately, so on a whim i decided today was the day, the forecast wasn't great, sunshine with heavy showers, Matt was up for it and we set off early afternoon. we made it to The Mug House at 21 miles and stopped for a swift half before continuing, there was also a wedding at the church next to the pub so we stood and watched some very attractive ladies in their finest, a bonus for any pub garden! the route was very busy but everyone was friendly and smiley. we managed to join up the two loops without much effort and stopped for a coffee at yet another pub at around 2/3rds distance. although the route is reasonably long it's fairly flat but this brings it's own problems,because of the gradient you have to pedal virtually the whole route, there aren't many downhills to freewheel and recover so it's quite tough on the legs. we made it back before the need for serious lights and seemed to miss all the rain even though we saw lots of evidence of it having poured before we got there at various times and enjoyed a well earned cuppa and chocolate biccies!

no thanks to:
lots of pedalling
Diglis Narrowboat cafe being shut

thanks to:
dried mango
cocker hoop ale
great company
British Waterways

ride 108
42 miles
total 1756
commute 860
total+commute 2616

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