Friday, 30 July 2010

horton tower FAIL

horton tower II
Originally uploaded by rOcKeTdOgUk
found a little booklet showing various bike routes in the area, so picked the one with most off road and parked the car where suggested, the route was over heathland and via bridleways, scorching day! horton Tower is a folly that can be passed on the route if you choose, it also then enters a forest with the promise of some sweet trails, but, just after i took this and turned around to go back up the hill my chain snapped!!, it broke in two places. tried a trail bodge to make it into a singlespeed but there wasn't enough left to even put the chain on the little cog, crapola!, ended up scooting the bike along through the forest, very frustrating having to walk up even the smallest of hills, it didn't help that i then got a bit lost and the 10 mile route somehome became 15 miles, but at least the weather was good!
ride 75
15 miles
total 959

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